- I led the school team to creating a 50 page proposal and personally created the section on Business and Development. This is based on a technical request for proposal covering structure, automation, business, operations and cost. Our proposal can be found on the link below- https://cyberspacewebhost-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/nalin_nalin_in/EtVw7X5-6GBJuG3MjRvs-l4Bxng0Ccn_Sm1Z8fRBK8o_1A?e=5uQurd
- At the Indian leg of the competition, I led a team of 15 students from across India to creating the Automation section of a new challenge within 24 hours. We presented our proposal to a group of retired NASA and Boeing engineers and were adjudged runner-ups.
- At the Asian leg of the competition, I again served in the same role and competed with students from India, China and Pakistan. My team again won the runner-ups.
- The next year, I mentored the junior team for preparing their proposal which eventually got selected to the international levels.
- All of this involved analyzing the requested proposals, extracting the main points, brainstorming ideas after research, and editing out redundant information. Brief glimpses of the proposal with pictures of our robot designs-