Ritsumeikan High School is annually organizing the “Rits Super Global Forum 2020 Online (RSGF 2020 Online)” with the purpose of tackling global issues through discussions, collaborative workshops and presentations.
Ritsumeikan Invitation
I participated in the global forum on discussion on youth-centric opinions on the pandemic. I researched on the effect of COVID-19 on the Indian economy. I discussed and presented opinion on the same in breakout rooms with participants from several countries. On the last day of the 7 day forum, we discussed solutions and presented the same as a team to international dignitaries.
I created a video based on my research on COVID-19 and the economy. It can be found here- https://cyberspacewebhost-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/nalin_nalin_in/EePkQc4FwPdDqL3hFXm50XkBih3BvjvSkQGhExNqF_Kl-w?e=yI8cQ6
My team presenting the solutions we created can be found here-
I also created a podcast for the reunion summit a few months later.