Hi there! I hope you are having an amazing day! I am an avid reader of poetry (Emily Dickinson is my favorite) and have been a voracious reader since i was a kid. In fact, i cannot sleep most nights if i do not squeeze in half an hour of reading. All of these habits have pushed me to dabble a bit in writing poetry myself. Here is a collection of my recent works. Feel free to give me feedback-
Palpable A tear shed down his eyes, Beating heart inside of him cries, He can’t go longer, can’t go further, “I want my hearth” he did murmur, He was bruised, he was broken No talk of terror was spoken It did not show but Scars were deep. Heart and eyes did both weep. His smile stagnant but eyes did express, The hurt of the situation they did confess, Scars go deep, sorrow runs high A bit dull, a bit empty But clear was the sky Smile was stagnant but eyes said it all They told the tale of his fall “Crying won’t save you” said god So went the man to the place for the people flawed He can’t go long, can’t go further “I want to go back” he did murmur...
Blinded I was all alone in the darkness, Could not differentiate up from down, All my sins to the black I did confess, All my faults made a malicious crown. I was all alone in the green, Could not differentiate good from bad, No flowers no trees only demons were seen, Soon came the reaper silk clad. I was all alone in the city, Could not differentiate black from white, Rivers of blood on the city made a fatal sight pretty, Asking me to go gentle in the dark night. I was all alone in the darkness, Could not differentiate death from life, All my sins to the dark I did confess, In my cold heart entered death’s knife
I performed the following piece at Aftaab Open mic. It is a palindrome poem meaning it can be read from top to bottom and bottom to top, showcasing a different message each time-
The Crossroads The crossroads, A home to thrive A green abode, A natural hive A hearth, Calm and Serene A haven, pure and clean A Change on the horizon A critical period of the wizen Historic is the moment Here comes Humanity’s bestowment A wake-up call began the chain Genesis of wisdom’s strain Start of an era unprecedented The core of the Earth indented Development, Machinery and Greed The earth struggling to breathe Progress, Population and Pain The world suffering from evil’s bane Fires and Floods, Death and Devastation Crime and Corruption, Deforestation and Destruction The home the humans did raze The oikos and the life giver is now ablaze
The video for it can be found here- https://cyberspacewebhost-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/nalin_nalin_in/ERu14YptqmxOiXCCVEnM4rcB33NdsTGjRC_waBhCSsjqTw?e=kgGGku
My poem was also published in my school newspaper to a readership of 50,000 students nationwide.