I was selected to represent India in the Young Researchers of Natural Sciences conference in Russia. I researched on smart cities and designed a streetlight. The conference, which was attended by delegates from 7 countries, widened my horizons and helped me to truly escape my shell. It sparked scientific curiosity in me, and a series of projects followed.

The following year, I was selected to organize the next edition of the conference in my school’s branch in Amsterdam. I was in charge of helping my teacher advisor with logistics and invites, all while researching about fertile newspapers and natural dyes. During the conference, I was given the duty of compering and guest felicitation (the city mayor and the manager of Indo-Dutch business relations at the Indian embassy). I tried to help with whatever I could- serving food, taking delegate roll call, and setting up the IT systems. I also led the cultural activity for India- dancing to a regional folk song, and introducing the international audience to bangles and “bindis”.

For all my efforts, I received the honor of meeting HE honorable ambassadors of India to Netherlands and Russia, and their ambassadors to India. This experience has helped me make friends worldwide, learn key organizational skills, and discover the power of youth working towards a common cause.

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